brianna persinger

faith | culture | motherhood

easter eggs in pastel colors

5 ideas for baby’s first Easter basket.

easter eggs in pastel colors

My baby just turned seven months and Easter is two weeks away. 

I’m not sure how time feels like it’s moving so fast, but boy, am I grateful that the Lord holds our days in His hands. I truly would not know how to handle these days if I didn’t believe that He has numbered each one. 

Some may say that Forrest is too young for an Easter basket. That could be true. But I’m a firm believer, and have been since his birth, that his body will remember these days.

So, yes. We’re going to give the kid a dang Easter basket. We’re going to have fun with it and allow it to tell the story of incredible faith that he was born into.

He might not be able to recall anything that was in his first Easter basket.

But his body will encode the joy into his DNA. My most intimate hope is that seeds of God’s lavish and all-providing love for us would be planted as he plays with toys and rests in soft jammies. 

We can, and should, weave the tale of God’s story into everything we do, including the ways we express our love to our children. If the items in the basket don’t tell His story, then maybe the gracious generosity we share with them in the form of an Easter morning gift will. 

And that’s the story of how I came up with 5 Easter basket ideas. 😆 

I figured if I can’t use all these ideas, I might as well share them! Each basket includes something to read and something to wear. Everything else in the basket is a mix of wants, needs, and just-because gifts.

Each basket tells a story rooted in Christ. We can awake to the joy of good and gracious gifts on Easter morning because of God’s great love for us. We are freed to tell His story in all we do. And our little ones, even if we think they don’t understand, are watching and hearing now. 

Basket or not basket, may your Easter be well, friends. 

Garden Colors 

Critters crawling, bees buzzing, flowers blooming, fresh colors enlivening spaces that held the dreariness of winter – a spring garden displays the refreshing beauty of God. This basket is a nod to the new life that God grows and celebrates the parade of colors He has made to paint our world. It’s true, the God who called Jesus to rise again calls the spring flowers and our burdened souls to rise too.  

egg shakers | bug’s life rattles | plush sink bath | wobbling toy | book | jammies 

~Joyful~ Beige Baby 

Bright colors not your thing? The ~Joyful~ Beige Baby has you covered! This gift features adorable musical instruments for baby to explore what Psalm 100 means to her. The outdoor gear allows for baby to take the exploration outside, creating space for a lesson about the glory of creation, the goodness of making music unto the Lord, and the God who made man from dirt.

sunnies | mom & baby matching hats | picnic blanket | egg shakers | xylophone | book | shirt 


Just as the sun rises on Easter morning, so the Son of God rises too. The sun lights the world around us so we can see with our eyes, but the Son of God sheds light on the darkness in our hearts so that we can see Him with our hearts. His words illuminate the world around us, bringing us to the light of fellowship with Him and others. What a gift! 

plush | teether | silicone bib | nesting set | cube | book | jammies 

Little Lamb 

Jesus is the precious lamb of God. His willing sacrifice changed the trajectory of history, allowing us a way to live at peace horizontally and vertically. May our own hearts greet Easter with the resounding, “Behold! The Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world!” (John 1:29). 

blankie | sheetswooden & knit teether ring | stuffie | book | jammies 

Storybook Bunny 

Though I can’t point you to a scripture reference about bunnies, I can tell you that God loves us as our heavenly father. His love for us is so big and mighty. The adventures our littles one will embark on with Him as the center of their life will be magnificent. He will be with them every step of the way. This basket pays homage to our favorite storybook adventures through the lens of the gospel’s saving grace. 

stuffie | teether | wooden toys setmuslin lovey | rolling toy | book | jammies