brianna persinger

faith | culture | motherhood

Glancing back, looking up, and remembering the good.

In just a couple days we’ll usher in another year. We’ll countdown beneath fireworks while Feeling 22 blares on top notch. My party hat and dance moves are ready for it. I think my soul is too. 

My soul hasn’t always felt ready for the ball to drop though. 

I hold this week in between Christmas and the New Year carefully. It’s a fragile space in between the close of the past year and the grand opening of the next. It’s a time to reflect on what we’ve done and look ahead to where we’re going. 

I used to mark this week with all my last-minute plans.  

A part of me thought that the last hoorah I could give the year was to pull out the dusty resolutions from nearly 365 days prior, and attempt to finish things I knew I couldn’t and start things I didn’t have the time for. 

Despite my attempts to end years on a high note, I’ve counted down at midnight many years feeling anxious, unprepared, and unaccomplished. Rushing around and catching up has never served me well during this week. 

This buffer has grown into a safe place for me though. I do less than I used to in this final week of the year. Yet, it carries more meaning and peace for me now than it ever has. 

Something changed when I began intentionally glancing back in the presence of my Father: I was able to rest in what had already been done. 

Something changed when I slowed down and decided to give myself permission to simply be in this time. To glance back and rest- despite what hadn’t been completed yet. This is a deep, holy kind of rest. 

Instead of using this time to add to the works of the year, I glance back. Reflect. See how He has moved in my corner of the world this year. I count His blessings and let remembrance of His good acts draw me to praise. And it’s enough. 

The psalmist writes of God in Psalm 105:5, “Remember the wondrous works that he has done, his miracles, and the judgments he uttered.” 

Why did the writer sandwich that in there? Why would he, in between commanding Israel to continually seek him and retelling their history, tells us to remember? 

Because we easily forget. 

There’s no softer way to say it. We forget. We forget the longest prayed prayers, the highest points of praise, and the biggest acts of mercy. We live in a world that sweeps us up into the hustle of today. And as we layer new worries and anxieties in our lives, we forget what we’ve already been carried through. 

We learn by reflecting. 

We jot down notes and carry them with us. We see things through a different lens than we had in the moment. When we reflect, we remind ourselves of how deeply cared for and not-alone we actually are. 

When we reflect, we see the places where God has been faithful to walk with us and we gird up strength to continue. How? Because when we remind ourselves of how far we’ve come and how brilliant God is, we affirm it’s possible to continue into the unknown. We take inventory and realize we are more equipped than we knew before. 

When we remind ourselves of how far we’ve come and how brilliant God is, we affirm it’s possible to continue into the unknown. We take inventory and realize we’re more equipped than we knew before.

By God’s grace, your life is brim-full of purpose.  

You don’t have to scramble to make up for your losses this week, nor do you have to be ashamed of what you did accomplish. You can feel safe glancing back, because we know that God wants to teach you something good about Himself and the journeys you’ve trekked together. You have permission to stand amazed at your life – really! Because when you stand in awe of Him, the rest of us look up to Him in wonder as well. 

Living in community means celebrating one another. I wonder – 

What are the milestones you crossed this year? Where are the moments of accomplishment and the finish lines you passed? When did you complete a task with a deep sense of satisfaction? 

What are the prayers you saw answered? Where did He surprise you with His response? When did you fall on your knees, overtaken by praise of a good thing He did? 

What are the numbers that stand for something big, even life-changing, for you? Where did you meet financial goals? When did you realized you’d written more words this year than in any other year before?   

What are the things you didn’t do? Where are the chains and burdens you chose to leave behind? When did you realize you overcame an obstacle you thought would cleave to you forever? 

What are the moments that hurt? Where are the hurdles you jumped? When did you emerge on the other side, a little stronger and more refined than when you entered? 

One thing I remember is that Travis and I met a huge financial goal earlier this year by paying off our student loans. That’s $45,000 in debt paid in our first 3 years of marriage- only by God’s grace and teaching.  

Another point of praise is the deeper-reaching sense of community I’ve found at our church. After a few years of feeling new-ish, we’ve met some incredible people. This fall specifically, we welcomed nearly 20 new people into our small group and met friends-of-friends that are already really special to us. As someone who struggles to make friends quickly, this has been a beautiful answer to a long spoken prayer. 

I’m grateful for what I’ve come through. But you know- I’m grateful for what you’ve come through as well, because your story helps me to look up to our Father.  

Your story is an evidence of grace. 

When you come to sit with the Lord in reflection, you will not be shamed. You’ll be safe, and I believe He’ll call to your memory beautiful moments of your story together. And when that happens, write it down. You might be surprised to remember what you’ve come through. 

Glancing back doesn’t mean we have to stay there for long. The days are fleeting and none of us are meant to sit under the umbrella of should-have, would-have, could-have. That shade doesn’t lead to our flourishing. However, remembering who God is in those places is our ultimate refreshment. He’s a safe place for our reflection and learning. 

We can remember the wondrous works and miracles of God together. Standing shoulder to shoulder, we can champion our successes together, because in doing so, we champion the good kingdom being built in this year. 

One response to “Glancing back, looking up, and remembering the good.”

  1. […] a few weeks ago, in the precious time between Christmas and New Years, I reflected. And something sparked within me. I went back to my writing desk, pulled out the messy bundle of […]