brianna persinger

faith | culture | motherhood

The Archives

  • It’s okay to be vanilla.

    It’s okay to be vanilla.

    “I only have two speeds: black coffee and Americanos, or plain ole vanilla lattes,” I told him as we left our weekly coffee stop, vanilla latte in hand and a hint of shame in my voice.  Vanilla gets a bad word. She’s the one everyone thinks is boring. Plain. Uninteresting. Vanilla is the opposite of…

  • We see your withheld gifts.

    We see your withheld gifts.

    We milled around the room. Laughter and conversation rose to the top of the high ceilings as women greeted one another with punch in hand. At the front of the room, gifts wrapped in soft blues and greens overflowed off the stage in front of a backdrop welcoming baby into the world.  I’d been in…

  • The truth about setting life goals.

    The truth about setting life goals.

    I’ve had a stack of messy notebook paper sitting in a tray next to my desk for years. It’s a pile of papers I began doodling and taking notes on two years ago. They’re a mess that I’ve carried with me from one home to another, and to a coffee shop or two, and tend…

  • Glancing back, looking up, and remembering the good.

    Glancing back, looking up, and remembering the good.

    In just a couple days we’ll usher in another year. We’ll countdown beneath fireworks while Feeling 22 blares on top notch. My party hat and dance moves are ready for it. I think my soul is too.  My soul hasn’t always felt ready for the ball to drop though.  I hold this week in between Christmas and the New Year carefully. It’s a fragile space in…