brianna persinger

faith | culture | motherhood

The Archives

  • Honoring autumn trees and the ones who wait for them. 

    Honoring autumn trees and the ones who wait for them. 

    The most endearing thing he’s ever called me is autumn embodied.  Fill my cup with all the pumpkin drinks and wrap me up in a cozy blanket next to a bonfire. A very real part of me believes that heaven is October eternal. Marriage is loving the season with him, and being his autumn embodied. …

  • Answering fear with two small words.

    Answering fear with two small words.

    Choosing to stay is a big deal. I didn’t want to stay in Nashville, and I certainly didn’t plan to still be here at 26. In a world of wide possibility, I used to think that choosing to stay close to home was for the weaklings. The only people who stayed close to home must…

  • We’re capable of choosing a better legacy.

    We’re capable of choosing a better legacy.

    I was in first grade on September 11, 2001. Mom picked us up from school and we sat in granny’s living room, flipping back and forth between the different news stations. Of all the details, apart from the scene of the falling towers and rubble below, I most remember how sunny and beautiful it was…

  • Lean into what you love.

    Lean into what you love.

    A display of blue, soft white, and glowing orange colored the sky above us. Hundreds of people milled about, a soft June humming giving life to the world around us. We threw our blankets down and took a seat. She’d arrived without her shoes, and I kicked mine off too.   On the far side of…