brianna persinger

faith | culture | motherhood

Practicing gratitude a second time.

“We will feast in the house of Zion

we will sing with our hearts restored

‘He has done great things’ we will say together

we will feast, and weep no more.”

Sandra McCracken, “We Will Feast in the House of Zion”

I’m wrapping up the second week of writing down all the things to be grateful for, and writing a novel.

I have to say: this entire journey has been much more difficult than I anticipated. I, nearly daily, have to grab myself by the scruff of the neck and say, “Alright, I’m going to sit down. I’m going to write another paragraph. I’m going to pause long enough to consider what all I have to be grateful for.”

And honestly, some days I have not shown up to write the manuscript or in my little gratefulness notebook.

Isn’t being a human crazy? That I have to pick myself up to do the things I most want to do? That it’s a practice to follow a dream? And to even pause? The things that bring us the most joy can often require the most convincing, and that’s really frustrating to me.

But this week, this truth was spoken over me: I don’t have to wait until I’m in the mood to live with purpose. Actually, I can live by a firm commitment to go after it now, regardless of what I’m feeling.

Friend, we are not victims. If we’ve made the decision to live for Christ, then we are empowered and cherished by a God who has crafted stories we’ve yet to unfold. Let’s not be enslaved to what we do or don’t feel like doing. Instead, let’s press into the desires and dreams he’s placed in our hearts. And let’s go after them. We get to live by a commitment to the purposes set before us. We get to say, “Hey, I’m not going to be tossed about today. I know my purpose. And I’m going to keep stepping into it.”

Don’t give up. Keep pressing on. This is worth it. You might be tempted to think it’s not worth it; don’t believe it. You are sustained by the Sustainer himself. He’s got you. Even in the waves and tosses of the day, he’s got you.

And with that, here are only a few things I penned in the gratefulness notebook over the last several days.

  • singing with the church
  • the last few autumn trees that are still full and vibrant
  • snowfall and 2 hour delays
  • the satisfaction of meeting – and far passing – a goal
  • fleece blankets under the sheets
  • the warmth of the sun on a cold day
  • hearing a child say they want it to be Christmas every day so they can celebrate God every day, and getting to say, “But you can!”
  • going back to the place we got married just to reflect and say thanks

By the way, here’s a link to the song we sang in church on Sunday. It always breaks my heart. I mean this in the kindest way possible: I hope it breaks yours too.: